Saturday, August 18, 2007

Jewish Baby Names

There are thousands of Jewish baby names but you might have arrived on my blog because you’re struggling to work out what to call your baby or whether he or she should even have a Jewish name. Perhaps you’re not Jewish and are interested in Jewish baby names. I don’t know but please tell me in the comment section below. What I do know is being a member of the chosen people sure has its complications – sorting through Jewish baby names has been one of them for me. Most couples find it hard enough to agree on one name but there are many Jewish folks trying to agree on 2!

My wife and I struggled when it came to finding a name for our son. We had so many questions - should we give him a first name and a Hebrew name? Should the first name be a Jewish name? Should the first name and the Hebrew name be the same? Should we name him after someone? If we did, should the first name or the Hebrew name be after that person? When should we tell people about the name? And so the questions went on.

So the reason I have set up this blog on Jewish baby names is to give you some help based on my experience. In future posts I am not intending to simply give you a list of Jewish baby names but rather point you in the right direction and hopefully help you make your decision. Remember one thing though - whatever the decision ends up being it will be the right one.

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Anonymous said...

Hi! I hope you're still reading your blog. I'm single, and I converted from Catholicism to Judaism in 2001. The Hebrew name I chose was Eliana. It combines both of my given names (Elizabeth & Ann). I was adopted as an infant and when I found my biological family, I learned that I had a great-great-something grandmother from Poland whose name may have been Anna. To my knowledge, I have no other Jewish ancestors.

In 2003, I adopted a baby girl who also has no Jewish ancestors. I have not had the naming or conversion ceremony for her and I'm in the process of selecting her Hebrew name. I could *really* use some help. Her birthdate is 9/17/03, her original name was Julissa Xiomara, and her new name is Xiomara Janelle. Janelle was my adoptive parents' bio daughter who died at age 3.

The names I am considering for her, based primarily on their meaning and appeal to me are: Davida, Tamar, Miriam, Naomi, Sarai, Ester, Meira (Lior). I'd be more than happy to hear your input! thanks much.

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